The Sarangdhar bridge over Brahmani river that connects Kamakhyanagar with the district headquarter was inaugurated in 1993 by the then Chief Minister Biju Pattanaik. Daily 3,000 vehicles ply over the bridge helping people from Kamakhyanagar, Bhuban, Kankadahad, Parjang reach Dhenkanal for their daily activity. After 17 years, the condition of bridge has deteriorated and needs urgent fixing.
Indian Institute of Mass communication (IIMC) was set-up in August 1993 as a branch of IIMC, Delhi . The institute offers 2 Post Graduate Diploma courses in Oriya and English Journalism. Besides teaching, the institute carries out media studies and research work. In the past, the institute has conducted assessment study for State AIDS cell and also for Ministry of Tribal Affairs on NGOs working for tribal community. The institute has been instrumental in operating a few FM stations for villages in the outskirts Dhenkanal ( Read Ex-Resident Director, Prof. Bibhuti Bhusan Mohanty's comment ). Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Dhenkanal Photo obtained: From here The Institute is situated right behind the Rajbati. For the first few years, the institute was operating from a make-shift class room in Kunjakant Temple. The institute had rented, in Kunjakanta area, a few buildings/houses and used them as Boys and Girls hostels. After 3/4 years, the institute moved to their own c...
Dear Kamal; Hope you are doing good.. In course of google search I found your this blog. It remind me Dhenkanal days...I like your blog very much. I was a student of DKL college too @ 2001 BCom passout. Keep posting about Dhenkanal!! God Bless you.
Brajesh Panda
See you soon over any social networking site!
ReplyDeleteBrajesh. Tanks for visiting this website